Hello All!
Here it is, the next stable version of ngIRCd, the free, portable and lightweight Internet Relay Chat server for small or private networks: ngIRCd Release 24!
You can download ngIRCd from the download section on our homepage https://ngircd.barton.de (https://ngircd.mirror.3rz.org), the primary download locations are:
• https://ngircd.barton.de/pub/ngircd/ • https://ngircd.mirror.3rz.org/pub/ngircd/
The NEWS file (https://ngircd.barton.de/doc/NEWS) lists the following changes since the last release:
• Log privilege violations and failed OPER request with log level "error" and send it to the "&SERVER" channel, too. • Immediately shut down connection when receiving an "ERROR" command, don't wait for the peer to close the connection. This allows the daemon to forward the received "ERROR" message in the network, instead of the very generic "client closed connection" message. • Explicitly forbid remote servers to modify "x-lines" (G-LINES) when the "AllowRemoteOper" configuration option isn't set, even when the command seems to originate from the remote server itself: this prevents GLINE's to become set during server handshake in this case (what wouldn't be possible during regular runtime when a remote IRC Op sends the command) and what can't be undone by IRC Ops later on (because of the missing "AllowRemoteOper" option) ... • Update Xcode project for latest Xcode version (8.0), and fix "duplicate symbols" error messages when building (linking) the binary. • Add "Documentation" variables to systemd configuration files. • Make sure that SYSCONFDIR is always set, which can be handy when using source code linters when ./configure hasn't been run already. • Add the new "PAMServiceName" configuration option to specify the name used as PAM service name. This setting allows to run multiple ngIRCd instances with different PAM configurations for each instance. Thanks to Christian Aistleitner christian@quelltextlich.at for the patch, closes #226. • Add an ".editorconfig" file to the project. • Limit the number of message target, and suppress duplicates: This prevents an user from flooding the server using commands like this: "PRIVMSG nick1,nick1,nick1,...". Duplicate targets are suppressed silently (channels and clients). In addition, the maximum number of targets per PRIVMSG, NOTICE, ... command are limited to MAX_HNDL_TARGETS (25). If there are more, the daemon sends the new 407 (ERR_TOOMANYTARGETS_MSG) numeric, containing the first target that hasn't been handled any more. Closes #187. • Make contrib/platformtest.sh script more portable, and only show "runs=Y" when the test suite really has been passed successfully.
Please see the ChangeLog (https://ngircd.barton.de/doc/ChangeLog) for a complete list of all changes, or even read the Git commit history at GitHub (https://github.com/ngircd/ngircd) -- there you can find our issue tracker as well.
THANK YOU to all users, bug reporters, contributors, packagers, testers, and supporters: this release wouldn't have been possible without your work and support!
Have fun! Alex