On 01/07/2013 02:33 PM, Alexander Barton wrote:
Colloquy 2.4[.1] have been fixed obviously, probably this is related to the following bug report: http://colloquy.info/project/ticket/2291 -- but I didn't look closer, so this is a wild guess only ...
In the end, I don't see much we can do about this: the ISUPPORT(005) numeric that ngIRCd 20.x sends is correct, and the old Colloquoy fails. Hm.
Thanks for getting back to me. Knowing that this was related to ISUPPORT was helpful; with that information, I was able to track down Colloquy's bug fix at http://colloquy.info/project/changeset/5351/trunk/Chat%20Core/MVIRCChatConnection.m. The main thing that tells me is that the Colloquy developers knew that they were fixing this bug in 2.4, which is reassuring. :)
Best regards,