My teammate may have found a bug. When you specify a server password for ngircd.conf and turn off PAM on openbsd, some clients are unable to connect even if a server password is configured in the IRC client. I suspect this is because ngircd expects a server password immediately whereas some clients first send the nick and only later do they send the server password.
Here's what led to my suspicion:
chewy$ nc 6667 NOTICE * :*** Looking up your hostname NOTICE * :*** Found your hostname: pass BLAHBLAHBLAH nick chewy user chewy * * :chewy 001 chewy :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network chewy!~chewy@
But if I send the password in a different order:
chewy$ nc 6667 NOTICE * :*** Looking up your hostname NOTICE * :*** Found your hostname: nick chewy user chewy * * :chewy ERROR :Access denied: Bad password?
chewy$ nc 6667 NOTICE * :*** Looking up your hostname NOTICE * :*** Found your hostname: nick chewy pass BLAHBLAH 462 chewy :Connection already registered user chewy * * :chewy ERROR :Access denied: Bad password?