since a few days I noticed a strange behaviour. See this log from irssi:
19:03:11 * po||ux macht dann mal Feierabend.
19:03:13 <@po||ux> bye!
19:06:25 < tooltime> cu
19:06:33 < SirLani> tschö
19:10:12 -!- po||ux [~alex@…] has left #… [Heim. Biergarten. Juhu!]
19:10:17 < po||ux> 7aw
19:10:32 < SirLani> eh
19:10:34 < SirLani> hä!?
19:10:58 < SirLani> po||ux hat den Chatraum verlassen und sagt danach noch was?
19:17:42 -!- sepia [~lucia@…] has joined #…
19:17:53 < sepia> Abend!
19:18:07 < tooltime> re
19:32:08 -!- You're now known as allerbest
19:32:20 < allerbest> re
19:32:32 < allerbest> SirLani: das hat mich neulich schon gewundert
We had this a few days earlier, too—with exactly the same behaviour: po||ux leaves (timestamp 19:10:12) and a few seconds after that “he” writes “7aw” (timestamp 19:10:17) to the channel.
Last time I thought of a random hiccup or cosmic ray or dying bits in non-ECC memory. But this time two people mentioned the behaviour _and_ it was the exact same string “po||ux” sent after leaving.
I'm using:
# ngircd --version
ngircd 15-SYSLOG+ZLIB+SSL+TCPWRAP+IDENT+IRCPLUS+IPv6-i486/pc/linux-gnu