i solved my login problems. It was an SDL socket problem. So, i created a brand new socket management on my own and now everything works fine.
I am actually enjoying checking the various client commands and relative server responds, and i have two questions for you, i believe you can help.
On Channel_Create you actually create one channel (&Server) in your server. Then you have another method   Channel_InitPredefined(), which created a list of 'predefined' channels contained into a GLOBAL array Conf_Channels. I actually don't understand where (and if) this array is populated. 
Second question regards messages in chan. Actually the IRC protocol talks about PRVMSG but not about messages that client sends to chan. Is there a prefix or is a server feature, which broadcasts the message to all the clients belonging to  the same chan?
Tnx again for your help, and congrats for the IRC Server developed.