The thing is the queries are getting through to the system and through to the LDAP server. You can watch them take place. The problem is it constantly returns a bad password which i am unsure why. It doesnt seem like a privileges thing it just seems that way the module is returning the information. Guess i just have to dig a bit more. 

On Sun, Sep 9, 2012 at 8:20 AM, Alexander Barton <> wrote:
Hello Anthony!

Am 07.09.2012 um 21:28 schrieb Anthony Caiafa <>:

> Has anyone successfully got the PAM module to work? I can't seem to get it working with LDAP or localauth. Anyone interested in providing their auth file for ngircd?

There shouldn't be anything special - BUT: you need a PAM module that DOESN'T require root privileges, because ngIRCd calls it with the permission level of the user it is running as ("irc", "nobody", whatever you configured); see ./doc/PAM.txt. So using "UNIX Shadow Passwords" (pam_unix) isn't possible, for example.

But I don't know what your pam_ldap requires …
