
When someone complain about this, could you enter in the channel, type /mode #channel +b (and this will show you provably in Status window the current ban list) and then do a /whois banned-nicknamed and past both information here? I think it would be helpful if we together double check if there isn't really a match between the user host and the current channel ban list.

Kurt Kraut

2011/12/17 Christoph Biedl <ngircd.anoy@manchmal.in-ulm.de>
Michaela Merz wrote...

> We are experiencing a big and very annoying Problem: Some clients get
> blocked in some channels for no reason:

This sounds really weird. FWIW, I operate ngircd for a small network
of about 40 users without any of these problems.

> Just to make sure: This only happens to about 5% of all
> connecting clients - and we have no way to predict which client is able to
> join and who isn't.

* Did you check whether this is related to Anope?
* If a client is banned, will a second try succeed? Does altering the
 nick or user name change anything?


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