Am 04.10.2014 um 13:18 schrieb Alexander Barton:
(EN: "can't solve the problem using »CloakHost«")

Right. Use "CloakUserToNick".
Hello Alexander,

sorry but why mean you that? In the Config-File standing:

            # Set every clients' user name to their nickname
            ;CloakUserToNick = yes

When i write in an new line "CloakUserToNick = secret", save the file and reload/restart the IRC-Server, i can not see an change at field "Benutzername" (for english: Username. But not Nickname!) at my User-Entry in IRC-Client and at every another Users. Before i check for change, i have me logout from my IRC-Channel and login again. And value-set "yes" is that self, why "no".