Hi all,
I am a new user of the ngircd. I created an IRC client in C++ and i am now interested in testing it with your ngircd server.
i am having some troubles during the registration phase and i don't understand where i am wrong. I wonder if any of you can help.
The IRC protocol states that client has to register the user following these steps:
1. Pass message
2. Nick message                 2. Service message
3. User message
Actually, i create first a socket to the ngicrd  (run win -n) which responds "Accepted connection  from <IP> on socket <id>"
then i send the following messages:


NICK giggio\n\r

USER guest 0 * :Ronald Reagan\n\r


And  after a while i get the following answers:
Shutting down connection <id> (Timeout) with <IP:port>
Client unregistered (<id>) : Timeout
I tried to use   /PASS   or to erase    \n\r   but i always get a Timeout error.
I don't get what i'm doing wrong since i am respecting the IRC Protocol