
The same IP address can be shared by several servers around the globe, in different countries with different connections. This is the default scenario for many DNS servers, like Google and OpenDNS.com services. It is called Anycast.

But it doesn't mean it works with any protocol. With DNS and videostreaming works great. If the connection is interrupted and then re-estabilished with another server that has the same IP address, in these mentioned protocols, the client-server comunication can easily handle this situation. In a videostreaming, that would be:

Client: Give me the streaming, I've lost connection and I'm re-estabilishing it.
New server: what streaming? I don't know you, we never talked before. Tell me exactly what you want
Client: Give me the streaming ID 123454 at 00:56 keyframe.
New server: Okay, here you are.

But in IRC that isn't possible. If due mesh routing you disconnect to on physical server and reconnect to another physical server that uses the same IP address, IRC won't handle it: won't know what your nickname was, in what channels you were and what pending messages (buffer) you should receive.

This can be changed in the server to support such network topology, this roaming feature. But also the IRC client has to be changed to support such feature and the re-connection renegotiation.

Best regards,

Kurt Kraut

2012/4/20 Alexander Barton <alex@barton.de>
Hi Damon!

Am 16.04.2012 um 00:44 schrieb Damon Talbot:

> I am trying to configure several servers that all connect over a LAN/MESH (AD-HOC) network. I thought I had edited the ngircd.conf right but cannot get it to work. How can I go about doing this? all of the servers would share the same IP since they are on a AD-HOC MESH system

I don’t get it …
What do you mean by „all … share the same IP“?

Every single server needs its own unique IP-adresse, that’s how TCP/IP works.

If all of these systems are in a LAN and behind a PAT/NAT router (so you map all local systems to one public IP-address), you can use PAT (port address translation) in your router to map different ports on your public address to different local IP-addresses in your LAN.



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