I actually tried to use (as you write in  -- Protocol.txt --)
WEBIRC <pwd> guest <host_name> <ip>\n
as the very first command sent to the server but i always get:
Client unregistered.

--- Mar 24/4/12, Alexander Barton <alex@barton.de> ha scritto:

Da: Alexander Barton <alex@barton.de>
Oggetto: Re: [ngIRCd-ML] User Registration
A: "Alessandro Alessio" <alexoffspring@yahoo.com>
Cc: ngircd-ml@arthur.barton.de
Data: Martedì 24 Aprile 2012, 16:44

Hi Alessandro!

Am 24.04.2012 um 16:56 schrieb Alessandro Alessio:

> then i send the following messages:

> NICK giggio\n\r
> USER guest 0 * :Ronald Reagan\n\r

Really \n\r, ASCII 10, ASCII 13? This should be \r\n, ASCII 13, ASCII 10.

And please note: If you send a „PASS“ command at all, the user must exist! In your case ngIRCd must be able to authenticate „guest“ with password „NOPASS“.

If you don’t want to use passwords, don’t send a „PASS“ command at all.

> And  after a while i get the following answers:
> Shutting down connection <id> (Timeout) with <IP:port>
> Client unregistered (<id>) : Timeout

So ngIRCd thinks you didn’t complete user registration in time.

> I tried to use   /PASS   or to erase    \n\r   but i always get a Timeout error.

The „/“ is a client-only convention, all „raw“ commands aren’t prefixed with this „command character“.

> I don't get what i'm doing wrong since i am respecting the IRC Protocol

Are you? ;-)
